class="head_mail" href="mailto:uh!pont!sletsohegelloc!kukac!atzsugua">uh!pont!sletsohegelloc!kukac!atzsugua4032 Debrecen, Móricz Zsigmond körút 22.
FőoldalHírekMONTHLY ROOM PRICES for the 2023-2024 school year

MONTHLY ROOM PRICES for the 2023-2024 school year

2023. június 23. Írta: Auguszta Hotel és Diákszálló

Monthly prices for students with contract

MONTHLY ROOM PRICES for the 2023-2024 school year
Room Type New tenant
1 semester
(September-December, January-June)
New tenant
2 semesters
1 room apt. with kitchen 236 600 HUF/month
230 200 HUF/month
1 room apt. with shared kitchen 223 800 HUF/month
217 400 HUF/month
2 room apartment
(per room)
209 400 HUF/month
203 000 HUF/month
3 room apartment
(per room)
191 800 HUF/month
185 400 HUF/month
Monthly prices for students with contract (HUF/month):

New tenant
1 semester
(September-December, January-June)
New tenant
2 semesters
1 room apt. with kitchen 241 600 HUF/month
235 200 HUF/month
1 room apt. on top floor
(shared kitchen)
216 000 HUF/month
209 600 HUF/month
2 room apartment
(per room)
214 400 HUF/month
208 000 HUF/month
Monthly prices for students with contract in a room with air-conditioner (HUF/month):
The air conditioner usage can and will be measured and has to be paid monthly!
Safety Deposit: The amount of safety deposit is equal to the monthly fee
© 2025 Minden jog fenntartva! Üzemeltető cég:  Auguszta Hotel Zrt. 4028-Debrecen, Kassai u. 26.